My Process
Some things don’t go out of fashion, this design process is one of them. I use this process as a framework to keep myself honest. Even when things get hectic I find it’s worth doing due diligence to visit these touch points.

Context for product/service, Who is the audience, Business goals, Percieved constraints and limitations, Previous findings.
Market research: Competitor audit for pros vs cons, established conventions, and untapped opportunities for differentiation. User research: Observing users of similar products, Interviews, Focus groups, Desirability studies, Card sorting.
Lowfi rapid idea generation: Personas, Scenarios, User Journeys. Narrowing of concepts.
Midfi, Breathing life into the concepts with rapid prototyping, testing for usabillity and refinements based on the findings.
Hifi designs and interaction models, Design documentation, colaboration with dev team to ensure quality control.